Thursday, April 9, 2009

New Layout + Mitsuwa

how is the layout ? Gave it flavor haha credits to whoever the pictures belong to! I wanted a pink/purple look with white background but I found this cute cig pic with hearts on it so I tried to blend the colors to the colors of the pics. I sorta like it =]

So it's spring break for the kids meaning I don't
have to work! This is more like my spring break also because I'm not going out. Just going to stay home and enjoy myself. Most of the days I'll be finishing all the homeworks that are due for the last few weeks of school. I just can't wait for it to be over! This just means that summer is right around the corner! time to shave and go short short short! ^^

So last week I went to Mitsuwa because of this strawberry fair they had. Before I went, I went to the national college fair at Javis center to talk to London Met. It was interesting and I really want to go to London but it really depends on my parents. My other options are Florida or stay here in NY! ={

But anywhoo, so i went to mitsuwa and the strawberyr fair wasn't really a fair at all! It was just a table fill with strawberry goodies and thats about it. I did get a few goodies so here's my haul!

The oreos wasn't as great as I expected! and the pocky just wasn't worth it! there are 9 packs and each only contain 7 sticks! it was for $5 I believe =[ I did enjoy the crunkly, mochi and tamagcookies! I LOVE THE COOKIE!!!<3>
Here's the whole lot! the noodles was really something new lol. It got the wasabi flavor going on which I wasn't too keen on. OMG the curry is freaking delicious! not too spicy just perfect for me!

Mascara haul next post!

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