Saturday, March 21, 2009

Chinese Weddings

I decided to not go. I realize I just hate these type of gathering, scratch that, socializing. I don't even know the groom and bride as well as 3/4 of the people there. All these people around the designated table for my family will be talking about school and just yap yap yap. You get it right? the updates on life, how bad the kids are doing, comparing the kids, did I mention comparing of the kids?! I guess the only good thing about this are the foods.

The dinner starts at 6. It's 7:31 now. I just hate when people are late. I mean if its once in a while for a casual meeting, then that's fine, but god damn it, its a wedding event!

So my dad was promise a ride from this "friend" and well he's freaking late! Then we have the other friend relative who is willing to drive him there because they so happen to be going to the wedding also, so why didn't he take the offer? Because he promise the other friend first. Gosh, if you knew the type of work the friend does and that he is in Staten Island, why did you promise him in the first place! It's not hard to call the dude and kindly reject his offer! and the worst part? the dude didn't even call to say he's running late! He finally calls and by the time they get there, it'll be 830-9. What's the point. Gosh.

I'm glad I didn't go.

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